Friday, March 28, 2008

Jonathans first sport

Jonathan finished his first sport playing basketball for the Fountain Valley recreation league. He had a great time and learned a lot.

Janae gets picked for art work

Janae was picked as one of three students to be represented at the schools distirct office art work show.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jessica is a Teenager!!!

March 8th became a day of celebration at our house because we transitioned into a family with a teenager.

Jessica is a wonderful young lady of beauty and style and she is ever close to our hearts. Congratulations Jessica on 13 wonderful years.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Royal Family Leadership Conference

Success & Hard Work

We just finished our Annual Fundraising Banquet and Directors Training here in Costa Mesa, CA. We had approximately 400 for the banquet on Feb. 28 and 250 people for the RFKC Leadership Training on the 29th.

It was a great success but like all great successes, it was a lot of hard work.

Running a Royal Family Kids’ Camp is a lot of work. This morning I was reading from a book by John Mason called, Conquering An Enemy Called Average. Chapter 2 suggests that “hard work” is essential to conquering the enemy called average. Here are a couple of items from chapter 2:

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.

What the free enterprise system really means is that the more enterprising you are the more free you are. What this country needs is less emphasis on free and more on enterprise.

“All men are alike in their promises. It is only in their deeds that they differ” (Moliere)

There is a man in the world who never gets turned down, whenever he chances to stray;
He gets the glad hand in the populous town, or out where the farmers make hay;
He is greeted with pleasure on deserts of sand, and deep in the isles of the woods;
Wherever he goes there is a welcoming hand – he’s the man who delivers the goods.
Walt Whitman

Great things of significance take hard work. We’re doing the hard work, because changing the direction of the lives of abused kids is worth it. Jeff