If that be the case, man must improve himself before he can improve his circumstances. What are you doing to improve yourself in 2009.
Here's part of my personal and professional development goals for 2009?
Maybe they will inspire you to write down your goals. Zig Ziglar says only 3% of the people write down their goals, and the other 97% work for them. True? Probably not, but writing them down makes it more likely that you will accomplish them. Have a great year.
Goals –
1. Write them down every Monday until they are memorized and therefore naturally intuitive
Character – Strive for the Character of Christ through
1. Daily devotions, prayer, journaling
2. Prayer with Janet
3. Prayer OVER the kids
Time Management -
1. Do what only you can do – First!
Personal Health -
1. Limit deserts, candy & soda
2. Bring more fruit to the office
3. More push ups & biking
Finances – This year things will be tight!
1. Cut out all unnecessary items, no casual spending
2. Find fun free things to do
3. Enjoy what we already have
Courage –
1. Have the courage to call and ask for a service, meeting, or support on behalf of the abused kids who can not call and ask
Responsibility –
1. Contact my donors more regularly
2. Honor my donors support by working hard, making wise decisions, and making a substantial difference
3. Honor God in everything I say and do on behalf of Royal Family and on behalf of my family
What do I want to accomplish in my personal life in 2009?
1. Monthly date nights with Janet & Thursday night reading / Prayer together
2. Organize the garage
3. Build projects with the Kids
4. Build a tree house / fort with the kids
5. Get Jessica involved with the High School before her Freshmen yr.
6. Invite 4 couples / families over to the house
7. Annual trip to the mountains in July / August
8. Daily devotions- kids and family
Career/Job –
Number of people giving on monthly or annual basis - 70
‘08 was about 50
Complete 3-4 Berean classes. Complete Certified Min. process
’08 was 3
Meet off site with 3 board members
’08 was 3
John Maxwell Seminar & send informational email to Camp Directors
’08 - YES
Have 5 churches send in support
’08 - 3
Speak for RFKC in: 5 churches, 4 Civic clubs, 2 Schools
'08 was: 3 churches, 2 schools, 2 civic groups, 1 Ministers group