I have always considered myself an American Patriot, but what does that mean? My Sister and Brother-in-Law gave me a book this Christmas titled the American Patriot Almanac by William Bennett and John Cribb. The opening section gave their description of an American Patriot, I thought it was so good I highlighted several parts and have copied them here for you to read. There’s much more than this, but this is a good start. I’d be interested to know what you think?
Jeff Juhala
The American Patriot
Patriotism means “love for country.”
Why should we be patriots? In part, simply out of gratitude.-
We should love our country because of its achievements.-
Our nation’s founding principles of liberty and equality among humanity’s noblest aspirations.-
As President Harry Truman once said, freedom “calls for courage and endurance, not only in soldiers, but in every man and women who is free and who is determined to remain free.’ Our country needs patriots who will stand fast for America.-
It is true that, at times, the United States has fallen short of its ideals. As the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan put it, “Am I embarrassed to speak for a less-than-perfect democracy? Not one bit. Find me a better one.”-
For all its errors, this much is true of the American record: it’s a mostly good and hopeful story.-
When the roll of nations is called, the American record stands tall.-
Patriotism doesn’t mean obnoxious boasting. It’s not about bragging that our country is the best in the world, but it does involve taking pride in our country’s achievements, sticking up for its principles, supporting its efforts, and cheering it on at times. It means offering respect to our nations and its institutions. -
Patriotism doesn’t mean blind loyalty. -
Nobody wants the United States to be a republic of sheep. We need, in James Madison’s words, a nation of “loving critics” who use their free minds and free wills to examine the country’s actions closely and raise concerns when necessary.-
“Our country right or wrong – when right to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.”-
Patriotism brings obligations. It involves actions, not just feelings. Claiming patriotism while shirking the duties that come with it is no better than telling your parents how much you love them and then looking the other way when they need your help. Yes, patriotism can mean flying the flag and marching in parades on the Fourth of July. It also means getting to the polls on Election Day. Reading, listening, and discussing so as to make informed judgments about current issues. Offering your services to community and civic groups. Obeying the laws. Obeying the laws. Learning about the nation’s history. Knowing something about the Constitution. Helping your neighbors. It’s usually not that hard to be patriot. But it does require some effort. Occasionally, being a patriot means putting national interest before self.-
Many of us don’t have ancestors who were in this country when it was founded, but we’re all heirs to that founding.-
President Ronald Reagan said that he “always believed that this anointed land set apart in an uncommon way, that a divine plan placed this great continent here between the oceans to be found by people from every corner of the earth who had a special love of faith and freedom.” All American patriots, whatever their blood lines, are descendants of the spirit of 1776.-
Without patriotism, there cannot be a United States. It falls upon us – upon you and me – to take care of miraculous American democracy, to make it work, to love it. -
What do you think an American Patriot is?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Family Events
We have all been busy down here in So. Cal.

Judy just lost her two front teeth.
Jonathan has finished Basketball and just started Baseball. He'll be 12 next month and this is his first year of Baseball, Little league Majors.
Janae is in the middle of 8th grade and going to Freshmen orientation at the high school.
Jessica just turned 16 is an Umpire with FV Little League, she'll be umpiring about 8 games this season.
We all enjoyed a great day in the snow over Presidents Weekend.
For a few more photos go to:

2010 Year-End Donor Report
I just want to take a moment and say “thank you” to each of you for your generous support this past year. I look at my year-end numbers with the names and amounts, and I feel overwhelmed with appreciation.
My budget results for 2010:
1. I added 33 new donors!!!
2. I had 110 donors altogether!!!
3. I reached 92% of my budget.
My budget goals for 2011:
1. Add 15 new donors to my support team.
2. Have 125 donors altogether.
3. Reach my budget at 100%.
Thanks for all you have done.
My budget results for 2010:
1. I added 33 new donors!!!
2. I had 110 donors altogether!!!
3. I reached 92% of my budget.
My budget goals for 2011:
1. Add 15 new donors to my support team.
2. Have 125 donors altogether.
3. Reach my budget at 100%.
Thanks for all you have done.
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