Busy times for everyone.
Judy finished her first year of school and had a great time.
Jonathan finished his first year of Little League baseball and his team took first place.
Janae Graduated from 8th and will head to high school next year with Jessica.
Jessica finished her sophomore year and her first job as a little league Jr. Umpire.
Good times for all and let the summer begin.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A Revelation About Revelation
I’m on my last class for my Ministers License and it’s on Eschatology, the study of end times. It’s very interesting to get a little in depth study going on the book of Revelation. The book had this chart which I found very useful when reading about all the events happening in the book. I thought it might be helpful for other people to see the chart as a better way to understand the last day’s time lines. Just a thought. The book is tilted; Eschatology: A Study of Things To Come by Zenas Bicket.
Fun in the Sun with a Gun
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