When you ask people for money, some people say yes, some say no, and some people get CREATIVE. I have several people, or groups, who have donated money over the years that are creative in their giving. Below is a list of some of those people or groups who have helped make a difference for the kids we work with. I will try to highlight a few of them in my newsletters in the future. I also have a new method of giving through ebay that I’ll mention in the next newsletter.
God’s Garden Group – Bible Study of women who meet and occasionally take an offering. They have been able to bless us with some of the dollars donated through their group.
Contra Costa Electric Golf Tournament - This is my former employer of 15 years, and they hold an annual golf tournament for clients, employees and vendors. Each year they give part of the proceeds to RFK for local campers and for starting new camps.
Just Ask - Renee Conn works for Contra Costa Electric (CCE) and helps with the Golf Tournament each year. She and I have been talking about camp for years, and she has always wanted to help in a significant way. One year while working at the golf tournament, she decided that since only the vendors pay to play in the tournament, she would “just ask” the other non-paying players if they would like to donate to the camp. The first year she collected cash donations of $700.00, and last year she collected over $1,000.00. Renee always had a heart for the camp, but she wasn’t sure how she could help. She got creative, and when her desire to help intersected with her time at the sign-in table, she simply asked and she was able to make a significant difference for the kids we serve. Thanks Renee!
Giving through Wills and Trusts – When Matthew Hart was putting his business plan together, he decided to distinguish his business from others by giving 10% of all fees earned to charity. Matthew has selected two local, two regional, and two National charities. The client chooses one of the charities after the service is provided. Matthew's article is featured in the April 2012 newsletter. www.MatthewHartLaw.com Thanks Matthew!
Losing for the KIDS – Dave Mennens is Project Manager at CCE and occasionally challenges other employees to a bowling tournament. They bet each other about who will win, but instead of the loser paying the winner, Dave said, “we have enough money, how about the loser makes a donation to RFK and help the kids who don’t have enough money”. Now there is some creative giving right there, when people lose, the kids still win. Thanks Dave!
Refi for Charity - Don Mclain recently helped us refinance our home. Don is encouraging his clients that when they save money by refinancing their homes, to take the first month's savings and donate it to a charity. This is a real creative way to donate without really losing any regular income. dmclain@coasthills.net Thanks Don!
Car Donations
Last year, I had two cars donated to charity and we received the proceeds. One came from my brother, Jerry, and another from Pac Integrations Inc, a local business. Thanks to both!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Creative Giving Opportunities
Buzzer Beater - Perfect Season 10-0

Jonathan’s fourth year playing basketball at Fountain Valley rec. resulted in a perfect season 10-0. Jon played well through the season and I caught him on video with a game winning 3 pointer on the last game of the season. Wow, what a game!!!
Here's a link to the buzzer beater three point shot by Jon. The shot is right at the beginning of the clip, Jon's team is in red. The other team then attempts one last shot. I'm the camera man and I got just a little excited. Proud Dad moment!
You might have to copy and paste the link into your browser.
Living History
I recently attended a meeting of the Freedom Committee of Orange County, www.fc-oc.org/. This group of Orange County Veterans meet every month to discuss their service years, but their main reason for existing is to bring living history to local schools as speakers of freedom. At the meeting in February, there were 3 members who had served in WW2, Korea a
nd Vietnam, and there were 3 members who were at Pearl Harbor during the
bombing. The 3 Pearl Harbor survivors were all the their nineties, 92, 96 and 97 respectively.
I later got a picture with Jonathan and Jack Hammett, 92, at another event showing a B-17 Bomber at a museum near by. What an honor to be in the room with some true heroes of freedom.