Our third Global Roundtable was held in Sydney, Australia in May 2019. We had 35 attendees from 9 countries all connected with RFK. Attending were Wales UK, Australia, Poland, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Namibia, Ghana, and the USA.
We discussed many of the challenges that each country faces in its efforts to help children from hard places. Each country gave its own report including the number of camps, mentoring clubs, kids, volunteers, and their challenges and successes.
The camp where we stayed holds three local RFK's during the year and is an exceptionally well-run campground facility.
We gathered to connect, discuss, encourage and refine the RFK operations, holding true to the core of what makes RFK work, yet being flexible with the model and the cultural needs of each country.
Cultures and needs are very different around the world, but what is consistent are the needs of the children and the expansive hearts of the volunteers who are working so hard at trying to meet the needs under very challenging conditions.
Below are some photos of our time together in the conference room, but also on tour around Sydney.
Part of the process to improve RFK is to get to know each other through experiences, including touring the city of Sydney. Several of the attendees from South America and Africa would have never been able to travel to somewhere like Australia, except for an event like this. They were most grateful for the opportunity, and felt humbled and blessed to represent their country at this event. The opportunity to tour Sydney with them allowed them to truly open up and have personal discussions about their struggles and challenges far outside of their official reports.
Walking tour of the camp facility - Great way to shake off jetlag. Australia is 18 hours different than CA time.

Lookout point toward the Pacific Ocean.

Our training room for the week.
Training Exercise - Topics to be covered at local training.
Animal Exposure near the camp facility. Very tame Wallabies.

This is Miguel from Chile whom I trained for a week back in 2012 while I was in Chile.
Peter Lusk and our speaker for the week, Dr. Bill Prevette.
Argentina Representatives signing their Global Roundtable Agreement.