Wednesday, August 5, 2009

RFKC Overall Summer Training Experience

Here’s a brief recap of the summer training:

5 week-long training camps (3 Directors' Training camps, for new start up camps &
2 Passing the Scepter camps, for existing camps).
11 Trainers
5 Host Couples
3 Child Abuse Specialists
56 trainees
12 existing camps with new leadership
15 NEW camps

Our new camps average 30 campers their first few years. 15 new camps at 30 campers each, equals 450 additional campers!!!

450 new lives being touched. 450 new experiences. 450 kids who have had few people in their lives come along side them and say “you are worth my time, because you are somebody special”. 450 more opportunities for caring adults to find out what the camper wants to do, and doing that! 450 opportunities for a “first time” experience, like “I caught my first fish”, “I sang in front of a crowd for the first time”, “I built my first bird house”, “I prayed for the first time”, “my first week without being called stupid”, “my first hike”, “my first time to hope”, “my first night without crying myself to sleep”, “my first time to hear about God”. RFKC creates lots of “first time” experiences, thanks to people like you.

Your prayers and financial support have made it possible to take 450 new kids to camp. You have made an eternal investment into their lives, and it’s a good investment!

Thank you for your support and help.

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