Friday, June 14, 2013

Graduation Time

Our first daughter has graduated from High School.  Mixed emotions to say the least.  At times I'm feeling very practical about it, "it's just the next phase of life", "another chapter" etc... And at other times I'm feeling lost that it's already over.  No matter how I feel, I am overwhelmed with good old fashioned parental pride.    Good job Jessica, go out and change the world!!!


Mana Laura said...

Wow! That is amazing! You guys are a gorgeous family, I'm sure on the inside as well as out. Well done raising your oldest daughter to this achievement! Enjoy the transition to her as a dear friend as well as daughter! Blessings, Laura

Claire Koenig said...

I understand your mixed feelings! When Megan graduated I was half in mourning because the awesome family life we had created together was changing and that phase was over. The good news, though, is that it keeps getting better!