Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Email from Foster Grandmother - 2014

Mikki and Will,

A great email received from Camp Directors Will and Mikki L- Arvada CO. 11-04-2014
(Names have been changed)

I wanted to write and say another huge thank you.  As always, Joey and Anthony had an amazing time at camp!  I had to let you know, Anthony seems to have had a very powerful spiritual experience at camp this year.  He said every time "I will change your name" was sung he cried.  He said he didn't know why but he couldn't help it.  

In the car on the way home, I said something about how much I had missed them, but that I was not in a hurry to get home because I had so much work with laundry and cleaning and catching up.  Anthony started crying. He said he felt so bad because he knew he never helped at home and he realized how he never tried.  He has since really been trying to behave better, to help without complaining when I ask, and to be loving and caring.  

He also had a most touching insight; he said that he thinks Paul, the man that plays the guitar and sings is an angel in human form sent by God to bless all the kids.  He said he can feel the goodness and love from Paul and that he seems like he really is an angel.  I would love if you would pass that on to Paul.  

Thanks to all of you, so many dedicated volunteers.  Your hard work truly pays off, even when you don't know about it.  

Anthony doesn't open up to many people but he has at camp. He also, and this is huge, said he shared with others his personal history.  He never does that, even at school, when they're asked to do a paper or share, he plain out refuses!

Joey delighted in camp as well and they are each so excited for next year already.  God Bless all of you!

Your Sister in Christ,
Pat P-

1 comment:

Mana Laura said...

What a fantastic letter to receive. And think of all the people who don't take time to write but have similar stories! Bless you in the work you are doing, speaking life and love and wholeness into these children!