Saturday, June 10, 2017

Amazing Africa! Part 3 - Zambia & Botswana

Part of our journey to Africa led us to vist Zambia with a Camp Director who runs several children's ministries under the non-profit, JZone Youth Africa.  He funds much of his work as a Safari Guide.
African Christian Safaris-

Sanderson is a mixture of a passionate Christian, a funny comedian and one of the most networked people within a community I have ever seen.  He knows everybody in Livingstone, Zambia!

We originally went to Zambia to see Victoria Falls, the largest water fall in the world, but Sanderson organized 4 significant RFK events trying to help launch RFK Zambia!

We had two meetings and two location visits to hold a RFK camp soon!

Wayne Tesch and Darren Daugherty and I had a blast with Sanderson for 3 days making quick visits to Botswana and Zimbabwe plus our time in Zambia.  My passport was out the whole time.

 Arriving in Zambia.

Our first meeting with local leaders to help start an RFK in Zambia

We had lunch with Pastor John from Botswana, he will be assisting the Zambia RFK Team.

Sunset on the Zambezi River

JZone Proprety in Livingstone ZA. where Sanderson has held several Day Camps for kids, he would like to expand it even more and run the first Zambia RFK here after a little more development.

After visiting the JZone site in town, we traveled into the country to see the property Sanderson has and would like to develop into a full Camp and Conference Center for RFK and other local ministries to use year round.

After the tours of the priorities we also visited Victoria Falls, the largest water fall on earth, see "Amazing Africa Part 4"

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