Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ebay GIVING - Creative Giving Opportunities-

Support Royal Family KIDS and Jeff Juhala, through ebay!

Are you an ebay seller, or would you like to support RFK through creative giving? We really appreciate people who give us monthly or annual donations, it's what keeps our doors open, but we know not everyone can do that.  Some people are looking for other ways to help support our cause, and ebay may be the ticket for you.  

If you have valuable items that you or someone else can sell on ebay, you can click a donate button to give to Royal Family.  The donate button is not on the standard selling page, you must click on the “switch to advanced tool” that will allow you to give a percentage or all of the sale proceeds to a charity (see photos below).  I have recently started listing some items on ebay and giving half the proceeds back to my own fundraising account here at RFK.  

For a detailed list of how to start an ebay account, see the link below or email me and I'll send it to you.

There are several steps toward getting started on ebay, but like most things, once you are up and running, it’s easy from there on.

Most people also set up a PayPal account for ease of transferring money back and forth.

Getting started on ebay.

You can always call me for more info: 714-270-4999

More on ebay giving at:
Here are links to the "how-to" pages from ebay/MissionFish.

This one explains how it all works from start to finish.

How to find Royal Family on the selling page?

When you start listing your item to be sold, you’ll want to click at the top of the selling page on the blue line titled “Switch to advanced tool”.

Look for “ebay Giving Works” and then click “Or, select another nonprofit you love”

Type in “Royal Family KIDS” and then hit the select button for RFK Santa Ana.

Select your % amount to donate and keep moving forward with the process.

If you give, please let me know so we can be looking for your donation to make sure it goes to my account.  Thanks you!

Call with questions, Jeff 714-270-4999 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Summer Camp Photos from 2012

Here are a few photos I took this summer while working or visiting 6 different camps.
Campers faces are not shown to protect their identity as Wards of the State.
 The Drum circle is a popular activity for many camps to expose kids to music and artistic expresion.
 Birthday bags beining prepared for the "Everyones Birthday Party.
 Campers trying on their Camp t-shirt on Monday morning.
 Campers arriving off the bus to start camp.
 Camper playing with Hot Wheels, sometimes the simple things are so enjoyable to kids.
 Painting at the Activity Center.
 Pie Throw at the birthday party.  A BIG hit with the campers!!!
 Girls getting a lesson in Sand Castle Art
 Jeff at the Tea Party Table.  Many camps have a Tea Party where the girls get all dressed up, get treated like Royalty and have Tea and Crumpets with the Ladies and Grandmas.
 Shirt Art at the Activity Center.
 Purple hair at the Birthday Party.
Counselor and Staff cell phones being recharged in the break room.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tahoe Time

What a great Vacation!  My brother Jerry and his wife Linda blessed us with a condo along side their own at their time share in So. Lake Tahoe.  It was a great chance for our 4 kids to hang out with his 4 kids and my sisters son Jake for the week, lots of cousin time.   Thanks Jerry and Linda- What a week!!

Trips included- the beach, Virginia City, Emerald Bay, Truckee River Rafting, Railroad Museum, shopping and lots of time watching the Olympics.

Out family then came home down HWY 395 and stopped by the abandoned mining town of Bodie.  A rain storm blew through but we managed.  What a neat old town to see how life was in a town like that the late 1890's.

Then we stopped by the Alabama Hills outside of Lonepine and did some rock climbing where many Western movies have been filmed.

Great vacation for everyone.

Our kids and Cousin Jake.
Beautiful wife, beautiful lake.
We stayed one night at Zephyr Point camp ground right on Lake Tahoe.  Hoping to start at camp there.
All the cousins playing Miniature Golf.
Jessica and Janae in the Kayak
Truckee River Rafting!!

Judy- no comment needed!
Jon - oh boy!
One of my new donors!!!
Virginia City view
Bodie museum waiting for the rain to pass by.
Bodie church
Most everything is closed up, we spent the day looking inside windows.  Still a cool place to visit.
Jon was impressed with the"2 holer" outhouse.
Alabama Hills- rough rugged and beautiful, great place for climbing around.

Looking down on Jon and the van.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Knowledge to Wisdom

Knowledge - Understanding – Discernment – Wisdom
The book of Proverbs often mentions these four words. I think I know what they mean but there seems to be a lot of crossover in their definitions.  I found this example of “knowledge and wisdom” and I added my own for “understanding and discernment.” Maybe it will help you as much as it helps me.  Jeff Juhala

Knowledge – Knowing that a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
Understanding – Knowing WHY a tomato is a fruit and not a         vegetable.*
Discernment – Knowing when to pick a tomato.
Wisdom – Knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but it doesn’t belong in a fruit salad.

Wisdom may be the application of knowledge, understanding and discernment.

*A fruit is a seed-bearing structure derived from the flower.
A "vegetable" is any edible, non-seed-bearing part of a plant. 


Wisdom has always intrigued me. It seems you can acquire wisdom no matter how smart you are and since I’ve always known I wasn’t a “Rhoads Scholar” I figured wisdom was my chance to maximize what smarts I do have. 
I recently read these scriptures on wisdom and I thought I'd write down my thoughts (see my comments below).

James 3:13-17 (NIV)
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.
15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

V. 13 Wisdom in your life should be evidenced by: a good life, by humble good deeds.
V. 14 Bitter envy and selfish ambition kill the growth of wisdom. “Ambition” itself is not the problem, but selfish ambition which is another call to verse 13 asking for “deeds done in humility.” Don’t “deny the truth” of your bitter envy or your selfish ambition. We all tend to dismiss our own faults or emotions and justify them. Verse 14 is telling us that if we are selfishly ambitious, own up to it, change and turn your ambitions from "selfish" to an ambition "outside of yourself."
V. 15 This other wisdom is obviously not from heaven and not going to lead to the deeds creating the “good life” or “deeds done in humility” as mentioned in vs 13. How many times have we fooled ourselves into thinking we were using heavenly wisdom and we were actually relying on earthly wisdom of bitterness and selfish ambition from vs14. This other wisdom is pretty bad, “earthly, unspiritual, demonic.” Really “demonic” that’s some serious language, any imposter to heavenly wisdom is a serious problem!
V. 16 says it straight out--envy and selfish ambition equals disorder and evil practice. I can see these playing out in a person’s life. If they are harboring envy for someone it causes them to do things and practice things that they would never have otherwise done. It is played out on our news programs on a regular basis. 
V. 17 A great list of things that come from heavenly wisdom…peace-loving, considerate, submissive, mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere but it all starts with heavenly wisdom being “pure.” Wisdom being pure? Wisdom that is undefiled and unpolluted from this world and even ourselves. The same type of wisdom that God called on when He created the foundations of the earth before we were even around. 
By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place (Proverbs 3:19)

Wisdom = good things for our lives.
Sharing information with supporters, family and friends who are helping us to plant the seeds of hope into the lives of children who have been abused.  Updates on the Royal Family and on the Juhala Family.  Enjoy.