Friday, February 26, 2016

RFK in Australia

Here is an update from RFK Australia.  Their name is Southern Cross Kids' Camps.


2016 is underway and three SCKC camps have already been held. On New Years Day, SCKC Knox kicked the year off with around 30 campers attending camp. This was followed by SCKC Casey starting on January 10th with over 30 campers. Camp Directors Peter and Suretha Moore have been involved with SCKC Casey for many years, however this was their first year as  Directors, taking over from Christine Smith and John Lynch.  Peter described the experience as 'highly rewarding, but quite exhausting'.  As soon as Casey camp finished  South- East Sydney was on, with more kids who need love and attention receiving just that.  Three camps down, eight to go. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Keep Moving Forward

One of the values we try to teach the kids we serve is, Keep Moving Forward.

I found this and thought it was  a good reminder.

Our Story in a New Book

Hello Friends,

RFK has a new book and Janet and I have Our Story as chapter 14 pg. 123.

The book is a collection of stories from many volunteers who have had their lives transformed by the RFK experience.

In our chapter, we describe our journey as volunteer Camp Directors, some miracles along the way and our eventual call into full time ministry at the RFK National office.

It all started with a Trash Can, p. 124-125.  You 'll have to read it.

I can only get 5-10 copies to send out right now.  I'm hoping to have our chapter made into a booklet by next year and get it into more of our donors hands.

Until then, if you are interested in the book, it's $12.00 with shipping, just let me know.   A Legacy of Hope.


It really is full of great stories, very inspirational stuff of changed lives.  There are a few campers, but it's mostly volunteers who have been deeply changed by the children we serve and felt a personal, and a God calling to jump in the deep end and do more.  It's a lot like Chicken Soup for the Soul books.