Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Training Continues Amidst Uncertain Times

Your support for Janet and I and FTC helps us train Churches and people to go and do the work on behalf of the children we serve.  All of our trainings this year have been virtual.  Virtual can be hard, it lacks observation and is less relational, however, it has allowed us to train more people and more Church groups!  At this stage, we'll take the positive wherever we can find it.

Our Director Training from Nov.

Extra family Pictures from the year


Driving to the wedding!

Loading up on Scooters Coffee!

Family prep for the reception

Judy with a kill

Kauai ATV ride!
Janae's 25t birthday

Jon's never ending project -'69 Mustang

Chapter Christmas Party

FTC Tampa recently held a Christmas party for the children they serve.  Here are a few volunteer profiles of people who serve the children.

'When this chapter launched, we only had camp and we couldn’t even see our campers over the course of the school year, which was hard for the counselors and the kids they had bonded with. They would see us in July, and then they don’t see us until the next July. Now with RFK Mentoring, we can see these kids on a regular basis, and we can be ‘Grammy’ and ‘Poppy’ throughout the year. Some of these kids don’t have grandparents in their life, and now we can consistently be that for them.’

‘I’ve been volunteering with FTC Tampa since 2018, first as a camp counselor and now with mentoring as well. A lot of the kids that I had in my cabin as a counselor come to our group mentoring meetings throughout the school year, and it’s been incredible to get to see them, to see them grow, and to continue to play a part in their lives. To me, one Saturday out of a month for a few months is nothing compared to the impact that you will have on these kids lives 40 years from now. This is something they will remember their entire lives. Every child needs positive interactions with adults that they can trust; these kids most of all.’

Mentoring Clubs Shift to Meet More Needs

Mentoring Games

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Camper Letters


Montana Camp Visit

This summer I was able to visit with our Director's in Wyoming and do an actual camp visit in Montana.  I love this part of the country and the camp visit went well.  We made a strategic decision to visit some of the Chapters that we seldom get to each year and I was fortunate to get the Montana, Wyoming area.  Our visits are designed to stay connected with our Chapters, see the programs in action and learn from the ministry in real time.  Zoom calls and conferences are nice, but nothing beats walking and talking with volunteers and seeing kids run, jump, play and learn.

Great stage set up for group events and Chapel time.

Lots of extras for birthday gifts or forgotten essentials.

An obstacle course to burn off energy and a water slide to cool off.

Friday, September 3, 2021

More than a Tea Party!

Many Chapters hold a Tea Party at camp.  It allows children to get all dressed up (camp style), have delicate unfamiliar treats and feel like they are really special.  It also allows the volunteers to give the children the Royal Treatment.

Here are a few photos from various Camp.

Life size invitation for the photo album!

1955 Bel Air

Our Camp Directors in Montana bought (with their own money) a PURPLE 1955 Chevy Bel Air and will be taking it on tour around Montana to raise awareness for the kiddos in Montana’s foster care system and to raise support of ROYAL FAMILY KIDS.

Another great video from our Camp in Georgia.


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Training on Human Potential - Seeing the Unseen!

Do you know Leon?   A great American hero, but nobody saw his potential.   This video is a recent training I did to encourage our volunteers to always see the best in the children we serve and to even see the unseen potential.  

Foster Mom Thank You Letter

We received this letter from a foster Mom.  There is a lot of great content in here that allows us to see into the life of a Foster Parent and into the life of a child living with lots of issues because of trauma.  These are the kids that really need a RFK camp designed just for their needs so they can leave their traumas behind and just be a kid for the week.

Letter from a Foster Mom to Camp# 133 Cuyahoga Falls, OH. 2018

Dear Church, Staff, and members,

I don't know where to start other than to say "Thank You".  Those two words are so simple, but you have no idea how much weight I am putting on them.  

Last Sunday, I dropped my son off for camp.  This comes after months (and years) of struggle.  We had never been away from each other for 5 days and 4 nights since he had come to live with us.  The trauma, PTSD, mood disorders, ADHD and extreme behaviors have been something we have been trying to get through for 6 years.  

Most recently he was asked not to return to school to finish the year after a total of 32 days (that is 6 weeks) of suspension for one reason or another.  Even more recently than that, he had jumped out of his second story window 2 days prior to camp and ran away.  He was found not far from home a few hours later - but it was still a scary moment for everyone involved.  

I thank God for our family, friends, and neighbors who have joined our village to help raise our kids.  The network of families I have met through fostering are priceless.  Being able to start a conversation with "Well he got suspended because he threatened to strangle the principal" is so much less stressful when you don't have to deal with the shock and appall of others.  We don't want to feel judged, or looked down upon, or pitied.  The support we have among each other is so strong.  

With all of the support we have between us- life is so stressful.  Trying to keep a full-time career while getting called out on multiple occasions to pick up my child due to behavior or shuttling him back and forth because he has been kicked off the bus or caring for him full time plus working and teaching him because he is suspended, has been extremely difficult.  

I will admit it. I was taking selfies out of pure joy at the church when I dropped him off last Sunday.  I Snap Chatted it and even posted on Instagram.  The thought of FOUR DAYS AND NIGHTS sounded as great to me as an all-inclusive vacation in paradise!  Everyone would be able to breathe a little easier.  

That being said, I wanted him to have a great time.  I wanted him to have his five days and nights of a little paradise as well.  I'm sure I am not always a gem to live with either. :-).

Well, we made it through all five days without a phone call.  I was nervous coming to pick him up on Thursday.  Was he going to be the same kid I dropped off.  Was he going to be mad about something?  Upset? Broken down? 

I came to sign him out and was told "He had a great time! He smiled and had fun."  I was told "He was not without his challenges, but he made it through just fine."  Well, I thought, that guy lies pretty well - because I know what people mean when they say "challenges."  

I went to the next room to gather his crafts and medicines.  When I told nurse Andi who I was picking up, she gave me "the look."  That look of pity I get right before the principal tells me he is suspended.  Here it goes....he won't be welcomed back next year.  "Oh my goodness" she said.  "He was just the sweetest boy! I just love him so much.  He gave me hugs every day and helped the other campers.  He has to come back next year!"  As a natural skeptic, I looked at my friend with the "eye roll" - yeah right- she got my kid mixed up with another.  

Next, we moved to the sanctuary where we waited.  Kids start coming through the door.  People are clapping.  I waited.  Suddenly, he comes through the door and his eyes meet mine and he smiled.  I knew something was up when he didn't wave like the other kids, but soon realized it was because his hands were full.  I gave him a big hug and he immediately pulled out the crosses he had made for his brother and sister.  He took out his photo album that was full of wonderfully happy pictures.  He was so excited.  He was filthy!  But he was so happy.  

I will admit it.  I was the one crying that day at the church...out of pure joy.  My heart was ready to burst with how happy he was.  He was loved.  He wasn't judged.  He was able to have his five days and nights of all-inclusive paradise.  He was able to be a kid without the stresses of everyday life of a kid from the system.  

Thank you.  From the bottom of my heart...thank you.  

Adventure Camping At Joshua Tree National Park

Took the kids to Joshua Tree for a two night campout.   Desert camping is interesting in Joshua Tree, only do it in the winter months!  Joshua Tree has a number of good hiking trials, but it's mostly know for its rock climbing and bouldering.  Bouldering is not rock climbing with ropes, its just climbing around on huge boulders and piles of boulders.  Some piles are more the 100 feet high.  The landscape and the geology is so interesting.  Here are a few pictures from the weekend.  

There is something special about fresh pancakes and coffee while camping.

This pile is over 100 tall.

Nice view from on of the rock piles

This rock looked normal size until Jon climbed up and put the "window" into perspective.   

Monday, January 4, 2021

Camp Photos

 Although we didn't have too many camps this year, we still had lots of connections with the children we serve.  Here are a few pictures from one of our Camps in South Dakota.

Part of camp is just a place to have fun.  Fun allows growth for the body, the brain, and the psyche.

Individual times together.

Group time.

Healthy adults and fun kids interacting.

You cant have camp without fun-loving crazy adults who want to serve!!!