Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Parent & Social Worker Gratitude

We recently captured some information from both Foster Parents and Social workers.  Here's what they are saying about RFK.

My son who is adopted from foster care attended his first RFK camp in June. He LOVED it. It was a very healing experience for him. - Adoptive Mom


We sent three foster daughters to the camp. They truly had an amazing time and camp was a really fabulous experience, that may be a once in a life-time thing for them. I am very grateful to the caring volunteer staff and donations that helped make it possible. – Foster Parent


"I am so thankful that he got to go to camp! I thought for sure you would be calling me in the middle of the week to ask me to come pick him up for behavior challenges. I am amazed he stayed all week!" – Foster Mom


The whole atmosphere, designed to make them feel special and like the most important kids in the world, really was amazing for their confidence and self-esteem and has shown in how they carry themselves. – Foster Parent


God bless you and your entire organization!  Last week was the best week in Braden's life.  We have noticed a calmer, more flexible Braden since his return.  – Foster Parent


What a rewarding experience for our little guy.  I asked if he wanted to return next year and he WEEK!  – Foster Parent


You folks are winning the battle in rehabilitating children that normally aren't fortunate enough to attend such a positive summer camp.  – Foster Parent


Our current foster child comes from a very rough background and does not have many good experiences in her life.  But to this day she still talks about all of the fun she had at camp this past summer and can't wait to return the following year.  – Foster Parent


My wife and I are extremely grateful for organizations like Royal Family Kids that invest time and resources into innocent kids who are enduring difficult circumstances.  – Foster Parent


The relationships they developed with their "cousins" were also very important to them. – Foster Parent


I believe that RFKC has created a structure that invites and supports safety and healing.  -  Social Worker


the design of the camp is well-conceived and structured, and when staffed with loving people who share a vision of God’s love, then you have a recipe for success.  -  Social Worker

I just wanted to thank all of the Royal Kids Camp staff and volunteers for all that you do for kids. I’ve had a few kids go to the camp and all of them LOVE the experience! -  Social Worker

Thursday, August 13, 2020

How Well Do You See Potential in Others?

I came across a training idea years ago and finally created a video and PowerPoint for our Chapters to use during training this year.  It's geared specifically for our group but it can be adapted to any training environment to help people see beyond today, to see the potential for tomorrow.  

If you just want to jump ahead to the "reveal" moment, just watch from 5:48 - 9:40 and you'll get the training concept.  

Also, there's an intriguing rags to riches "potential" story at 14:30-18:40.  One of my favorites!

Our methods have changed but the Mission stays the same.

It's been a crazy year for everyone.  I'd love to write a long narrative of just how amazing our Chapters have been at planning and replanning and replanning again to make something happen for the children we serve this summer.  

We gave them options from the national office and they let their creativity fly and found ways to stay connected with the Foster Children of their community.  

Some were able to hold camp under challenging conditions, others held one-day events, others mailed care packages, others sent "Camp in a Box," others did a "Drive Through Camp." 

Below are some of the pictures I captured from our internal Facebook page of how these amazing volunteers made a difference in a COVID summer.  

Like most of you, we're all exhausted.   

Thanks for continuing your prayers and support during these critical days.